Helmet Not Compulsory In Gujarat 2019 | Government Announced

Gujarat Government takes a major decision to make use of helmet while riding two-wheelers within limits of municipalities and municipal corporations voluntary and not compulsory.

Now #Helmet not compulsory while driving two wheeler in urban areas of #Gujarar: state cabinet decision

Wearing helmets in urban areas is not compulsory in Gujarat now, state government decides in cabinet meeting today.

Helmets save lives and should be encouraged (but not compulsory)

Court has made it compulsory to wear helmet for both rider and pillion. If a person does not wear helmet, he/she is not causing any trouble to traffic or other commuters. Wearing a helmet is safety precaution. I respect that and it should be left as a safety guideline only. It should not be made a law. Making helmets compulsory is against basic notion on freedom. Wearing a helmet is very uncomfortable, especially in Indian summers.

I request the Supreme Court of India to make wearing helmet a safety guideline and not a law.


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